Because the United States 'issuance of dollars is out of control and international commodity prices are continuing to rise, China is being attacked by imported inflation. The uncertainties of this are causing firms big problems, Chen was quoted as saying by the Xinhua news agency. 新华社援引陈德铭的话说:由于美元发行失控,国际商品价格持续上涨,中国正面临输入型通胀的危机,这导致的不确定性给公司造成巨大困难。
132.If we can receive your order within the next 10 days, we will make you a firm offer at the prices quoted. 如果我方能在10天内能接到你方订单,我方将按所报价格确定订单。
'When housing prices fall 20% to 30%, these problems will be all exposed,' he was quoted as saying. 报道援引潘石屹的话说,当房价下跌20%-30%,这些问题就全部暴露出来了。
The drinks are not included in the prices we quoted. 这个价钱里不包括饮料的费用。
Smaller customers buying components and products from China often find the lower prices quoted for manufacturing them is outweighed by additional costs for shipping and quality control issues that are expensive to resolve. 这些公司规模小一些,它们从中国购买零部件时经常发现,船运费以及昂贵的质量控制等额外成本,通常会超过较低产品报价的好处。
The prices quoted are net without discount, and business between us will be done on principal to principal basis. 所列价目都系净价无折扣,双方贸易将不通过中间商而直接进行。
Prices quoted by different banks may not be the same. 不同银行提出的报价或许会不一样。
Moreover, he added, prices quoted in dollars were now often valid for just seven days compared with the 30-60 days common previously. 此外,他补充称,美元报价的有效期现在通常只有7天,以前则通常是30天到60天。
Specify EXW and whether prices for inland transportation and price of incidental services, must be quoted in addition to EXW. 规定报出厂价以及说明是否在出厂价之外还要报内陆运输费和伴随服务费。
If the order cab be placed beforehand so that we can buy the necessary raw materials before their prices are going up, we can adhere to the price we have quoted. 如果能预先落实订单,那么我们就可以趁材料在涨价之前预先定购材料,这样一来就可以避免价格浮动了。
We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off your list prices, which we see are quoted net cash. 上述价目单是以付现金拟订的,我们认为还可以打很多折扣。
The above prices are quoted without engagement on our part. 请你们选择决定上述报价我方均不受约束。
Prices quoted are inclusive of transportation costs. 上述价格包括运输费。
Prices for tests not indicated in the price list will be quoted upon request. 不在价格表之列的测试,本中心乐意按客户要求提供报价。
We are please to give you a order for3,000 computers in current stock at the prices you quoted. 根据你方报价,我们向你下了3000台库存计算机的订单。
Prices quoted do not include shipping charges unless so stated in quotation. 标出的价格在报价单不包括运费,除非如此陈述。
As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to accept the offer without delay. 由于所报价格特别低,并可能上涨,我们建议你方立即接受此报盘。
Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpool. 报价应包含保险费及到达利物浦的运费。
As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret we are not in a position to book the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago. 由于工资和原料价格大幅上涨,很抱歉无法按我方半年前所报价格接受订单。
Prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed during the bidder's performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the tender documents. 除非招标文件中另有规定,投标人所报价格应在投标人履行合同期间保持不变并且任何情况下都不得变更。
All prices are quoted and payable in US Dollars. 所有价格引述和应付帐款,在美元。
All prices are quoted in USD, excluding customs duties, taxes and other charges. 所有价格以美元报价。不包括海关关税,增值税和其他费用。
PRICES QUOTED: The prices quoted cover only the quantity and the delivery schedules specified. 报价:报价只包括表中所指定的商品数量与交货条件。
The prices quoted above do not include any taxes. duties, impost and any other charges of any kind which may be levied in China. 以上所指的价格并不包括在中国境内所征收的各种税款、关税、进口税以及其他各种费用。
Why are there three prices quoted for this part? 零件为有三种不同的报价?
All our prices are quoted the port of destination. 我方所报全部价格均为目的港到岸价。
All your prices are on a CIF basis. we'd rather you quoted us FOB prices. 你们的报价都是成本加运费保险的到岸价格,我们希望你们能报离岸价。
I traveled to the rather intimidating Sichuan Higher College of Cuisine, but the prices they quoted me for some instruction were far beyond my backpacker's budget. 为此,我又来到了大名鼎鼎的四川高等烹饪专科学校,结果那里给出的学费报价远非我一介背包客所能承受的起。